8月12日早間英文播報:CPC guidance leads nation to prosperity

2020-08-12 06:20:01中國日報網(wǎng)07:39 7.4萬

歡迎訂閱主播“中國日報網(wǎng)”在喜馬拉雅上的【China Daily 英語新聞】和【24節(jié)氣英語說】兩個專輯,通過我們的節(jié)目,不錯過世界上發(fā)生的趣事!(未經(jīng)授權(quán),請勿轉(zhuǎn)載)

President Xi Jinping visits a vineyard nearthe Helan Mountains to learn about environmental conservation efforts in themountains, in Northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region, on June 9, 2020.[Photo/Xinhua]

US officials' attempt to drive a wedgebetween Party, Chinese people set to fail

Some officials in the United States havebeen ganging up on the Communist Party of China, but they are turning a blindeye to the fact that the CPC leadership has enabled China to grow into theworld's second-largest economy without resorting to warfare, colonialism orslavery.

They also ignore the broad support that theCPC has earned from the Chinese people due to its people-centered governancephilosophy, which is in stark contrast with that of political parties of the USputting selfish political gain and capital first, analysts said.

Wu Bo, a researcher of socialism withChinese characteristics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said thatthe CPC considers people's interests all it works for, and the CPC's all-outefforts to protect people's lives and health in fighting COVID-19 have been oneof the testimonies of this.

Intensive slandering of the CPC by some USofficials is based on an outdated Cold War mentality and deep-seatedideological bias, Wu said, and they have prejudices against the path of socialismwith Chinese characteristics and turn a blind eye to the broad support of theChinese people for the CPC while ignoring their severe problems at home.

Over recent decades, the CPC has led thenation to create economic miracles and long-term social stability. By upholdingthe vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, it shows it wantsto work with the international community, including the US, to build an open,inclusive, clean and beautiful world with lasting peace, universal security andcommon prosperity.

Raed Fahmi, secretary of the CentralCommittee of the Iraqi Communist Party, said that the CPC and the Chinesepeople have every right to be proud of their great achievements in all aspectsduring the country's development.

"The pillars of China's foreign policyare consistent with the Charter of the United Nations, and provide a sound,solid and stable basis for building a new type of relations between countriesthat guarantees international peace and security," Fahmi told Xinhua NewsAgency.

These pillars have been clearlydemonstrated "in initiatives and calls for international cooperation andpeaceful coexistence between countries with different political, economic andsocial systems", Fahmi added.

Since May, the US administration has setforth a systematic set of speeches and documents to attack China, specificallyaiming at the CPC.

They started with a policy document,"United States' Strategic Approach to the People's Republic ofChina", released by the White House on May 26. The document isextraordinary as few previous administrations actually put in print similarcomprehensive statements of policy that view the CPC as subversive of USvalues, laws and institutions, as well as the international system.

The document was followed by speeches madeby influential US officials, including National Security Adviser Robert O'Brienon June 24, FBI Director Christopher Wray on July 7, Attorney General WilliamBarr on July 16 and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on July 23.

A number of the officials' accusations havebeen contradicted, however, by a survey by the Ash Center for DemocraticGovernance and Innovation of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School ofGovernment. The center recently said that the Chinese people's overall supportfor and satisfaction with the central government exceeded 93 percent.

As China deployed effective measuresagainst the coronavirus, public trust in the government rose to 95 percent,with citizens' responses to a survey putting the country at the top of the 11countries covered. The survey was conducted by US-based Edelman Intelligence inApril.

The results moved China up 5 points fromEdelman's annual Trust Barometer survey in January, which also ranked thecountry at the top. The US finished next to last with 48 percent.

China's Foreign Ministry has said that USofficials' attempt to drive a wedge between the Chinese people and to create aunited front to curb China will not succeed.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister WangYi recently told Xinhua that the relationship between the CPC and the Chinesepeople is as close as between "fish and water "and between "soiland seed".

"Those who attempt to break thisstrong bond are making themselves enemies of the 1.4 billion Chinesepeople," he said. "We hope that the US will respect China's socialsystem and the Chinese people's choice and give up its failedinterventionism."

Own development path

China has made it clear that it does notreplicate any model from other countries, nor does it export its own to others.It insists that success of its development path is not a blow and a threat tothe Western system and path as differences in systems should not lead to azero-sum game, but should coexist peacefully.

President Xi Jinping, who is also generalsecretary of the CPC Central Committee, has said on various occasions that theParty's fundamental missions are to seek well-being for the people and realizethe great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

China unswervingly sticks to the path ofpeaceful development, Xi said, and it has been and will be a champion of worldpeace, contributor of global development and supporter of international order.

The CPC has not only sought to serve theChinese people, but also has made contributions to the development of the worldthrough the Belt and Road Initiative, said Salah Adly, general secretary of theEgyptian Communist Party.

Way out of poverty

Under the leadership of the CPC, China'spath of socialism with Chinese characteristics has been the way out of povertyand backwardness for the 1.4 billion Chinese people, and it has enabled theChinese nation to make important contributions to the progress of mankind.

China is the largest contributor ofpeacekeepers among the five permanent members of the United Nations SecurityCouncil and has been contributing to the peaceful settlement of the KoreanPeninsula nuclear issue, the Iranian nuclear issue and other regional andinternational hot spots, as well as the response to climate change and otherglobal challenges.

In recent years, it has contributed over 30percent of the world's economic growth, and was an important player in theinternational response to the financial crisis in Asia and the global financialcrisis.

All these facts have been witnessed by theworld. Before the 99th anniversary of the founding of the CPC on July 1, morethan 100 foreign political parties sent their congratulations to Xi and the CPCCentral Committee, lauding its glorious history and China's great achievements.

The European Left party said in itscongratulatory message that the CPC has long secured peace and development andupheld people-centered principles.

The Communist Party of France said thatChina is now, under the leadership of the CPC, striving to achieve high-qualitygrowth, build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and realize theaspiration of the people to live a better life.

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A library with five thousand books???to the nation as a gift...

A 解析: 句意:一個擁有5000本藏書的圖書館被當(dāng)做禮物贈送給了那個國家。主語library是offer這一動作的承受者,用被動語態(tài)。library是單數(shù),謂語動詞用is。故選A。







是吻別早,還是take me to your heart早?

吻別 你分很多哎,搜一下的事






我靠 有沒搞錯啊 早熟有點好處 這男生怕家長 故意在家長面前裝的很乖。 應(yīng)該這樣 當(dāng)女生上課請假的時候他說是不是…… 你就說那你想來大姨媽嗎?我讓你知道下來大姨媽的感覺 接著拉到廁所 讓女生輪著打。


第一,父母不回避不批評。 如果發(fā)現(xiàn)孩子有早戀的現(xiàn)象,父母不應(yīng)該太著急批評孩子,而是應(yīng)該坦誠的和孩子進行溝通和交流。 首先不要批評孩子,而是說:我的寶貝有人喜歡,說明自己的孩子還是很有價值很可愛的。 李老師曾經(jīng)講了一個故事,有個女孩早戀,她的媽媽發(fā)現(xiàn)之后,批評了女孩幾句,女孩聽了之后氣不過就要跳樓。這時候李老師就教她爸爸上,爸爸開頭就說我的女兒有人喜歡,說明我女兒很可愛很有價值,這么有價值的女孩,為什么要去跳樓呢?女孩聽后,氣氛緩解了。 一開始不否定孩子,而是肯定孩子的價值。這樣孩子才會覺得父母是理解自己的。才會愿意和父母溝通。 第二,父母可以在輕松的氛圍中與孩子交談,正確引導(dǎo)。 營造一個輕松的氛圍,再和孩子進行聊天,交談可以不要那么的嚴(yán)肅,比如說可以在去買東西的路上啊,或者是一起干什么事情的路上跟孩子交流,問問孩子是怎么想。 曾經(jīng)看過一個故事,有一個男孩對他爸爸說他喜歡班上某個同學(xué),要跟他在一起談戀愛,然后他爸爸就問他,如果你不想繼續(xù)讀大學(xué),那你可以和他現(xiàn)在就開始和他談戀愛,如果你不想出去更大的城市,只待在我們小縣城,那你就可以現(xiàn)在和他結(jié)婚。 爸爸用這種方式告訴孩子,如果現(xiàn)在談戀愛會產(chǎn)生什么樣的后果,而且讓孩子自己作出選擇,這是一種很好的引導(dǎo)。 第三,和孩子約法三章。 當(dāng)開誠布公的和孩子談了之后呢,如果孩子還是堅持要戀愛的話,那父母也可以和孩子約法三章,第一早戀不能夠影響學(xué)習(xí),第二不能發(fā)生越軌的行為,第三不能在人前有太過于親密的行為。 03如何預(yù)防? 相對于已經(jīng)發(fā)生了的早戀的父母應(yīng)對方法,我覺得父母更應(yīng)該提早去學(xué)習(xí)怎么樣去預(yù)防孩子早戀,那我們可以這樣做。 第一,在日常生活中提早教育。 在平時的生活中不回避這個問題,可以經(jīng)常與孩子討論。在平時的生活中就跟孩子講關(guān)于戀愛婚姻的一些事情,讓孩子提前知道戀愛婚姻是怎樣的,樹立正確的戀愛觀。 孩子遇到事情的時候就能夠有較清醒的認(rèn)識,他不會有太大的抗拒心理,如果等到真正已經(jīng)開始早戀了,你再和他去講那些道理,他會覺得父母跟他作對,聽不進去勸。 第二,父親母親給與孩子足夠的關(guān)愛。 父母要給孩子足夠的關(guān)愛,父親母親對孩子來說都特別重要,如果孩子有足夠的愛,她就不會再去向外尋找別人的關(guān)愛,尋找私密關(guān)系。 所以針對早戀家長們需要及早預(yù)防,提前發(fā)現(xiàn),認(rèn)真溝通,做好思想工作。希望每一位孩子都能順利度過早戀期,認(rèn)真學(xué)習(xí),天天向上。


中間偏上,就是報紙題目的下面,畫一個中國地圖, 地圖中間有一面國旗,地圖外圍圍著一個愛心,剛好把地圖包在里面,愛心的輪廓可以用更小的愛心組成,也可以用鴿子,或者橄欖枝組成,都代表了和平和祝福 然后下面分不同的小塊寫上字,但小快的外行還是愛心形,不要那些死板的方形,根據(jù)內(nèi)容的多少,愛心也跟著大或小 下面的底邊花邊用美麗的鮮花 左右的花邊用飄揚的彩旗 題目的兩邊的空位畫一些氣球或者鴿子
