第1171期:Bitcoin Part 2

2021-03-31 08:00:00晨聽英語06:21 7780

Todd: So, Anthony we're talking about bitcoin. Now you've invested in bitcoin before?Anthony: Yeah, yeah, a bit.

Todd: Do you still invest a lot now?

Anthony: I haven't recently.

Todd: Okay, so why did you stop?

Anthony: I stopped because I was getting a little anxious about seeing my portfolio swing up and down by 5, 6, 7 thousand dollars in a day. I kind of decided that I would take out the money that I invested in it and just let my profits ride, basically.

Todd: Right, so basically originally then, you were using bitcoin for speculative purposes. Not to actually buy things. You weren't using it as a means to actually make transactions.

Anthony: That is correct. I've only bought one thing with bitcoin, and that was, it's called a hardware wallet, which is basically, it looks like a USB stick, but it's a way to secure your funds.

Todd: Do you think that in the future we will have people using bitcoins more, like it's going to become a viable alternative to actually, for commerce to pay for things?

Anthony: Yeah, that's a good question. I don't think bitcoin will be what we all use, but it's definitely, in my opinion, the archetype for what is coming.

Todd: It's the pioneer.

Anthony: Yes, the pioneering technology. There's going to be something that is similar to bitcoin that we use as a digital payment system.

Todd: Yeah, so a lot of people are freaked out about bitcoin. What are some reasons people are skeptical against it?

Anthony: That's a good question. One question that I've been asked before is, who controls it? Everyone always wants to know who's in charge. Right. Who's the CEO? Right? Because we're so conditioned to this kind of system, but that is the thing. It's kind of scary for some people, but there is no control over it. It's a program at the end of the day. And there's no governing body. There's no government organization that really has a say. I mean governments, specific governments, will try to regulate the markets to a certain extent. But at the end of the day, the power is in the hands of the people that use it, really. And as long as people use it there will be some kind of value to it. Just as long as we use paper money, there's value to it. As long as it's exchanged, right?

Todd: Right. And some people have made some good points. For example, nobody foresaw the use of ecommerce or smart phones, or social media. But these things adopted and ramped up quickly. So, do you think this could happen with these crypto technologies?

Anthony: I think-

Todd: Is that the right way to say it? Crypto technologies.

Anthony: Cryptocurrencies.

Todd: Cryptocurrencies.

Anthony: Or block chain technologies.

Todd: Block chain technology, okay.

Anthony: I think it's very rapid right now. It's kind of becoming a household word. Whereas, when I first got into it, if I talked to someone about bitcoin, they would look at me like I was crazy. They would look at me like I had a hole in my face or something. But now people know. Even older people who aren't really so in touch with technology, know what it is or have at least heard about it.

Anthony: I think the biggest hurdle to mass adoptions is as it stands now, it takes a lot of knowledge and a lot of know-how in order to safely, because the reason why I say safely, is because if you're dealing with bitcoin, you're in charge of securing your funds. So, if someone hacks into your funds, or something, then it's your fault. You don't have anyone to blame. Where as if you have your money in a bank-

Todd: You can't call customer service.

Anthony: Exactly. You can't call customer service, so there's a big hurdel as far as the knowledge you need to safely and effectively maneuver in that space. So I think until some second party or third party comes about and makes it more user-friendly, I don't really think it's going to be ready to really take over until that happens. Either more people need to be educated and know how to use it and how to purchase it and how to store it, etc. Or there needs to be some huge company that going to say, "Look, we'll manage it for you. You just need this app, or something." I don't know, something like that.

Todd: Yeah, it's going to be interesting in the crossover. They always say be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. If bitcoin or some crypto-

Anthony: Currency

Todd: Currency becomes the primary source of transactions, I think a lot of the ills and the dodgy stuff we have with banks, will seep into it. It'll be interesting if they could keep it out. If you know what I mean. But one thing that's interesting about the currencies is that, I think a lot of old people will go for it. I think a lot of old people usually are hesitant about technology and change, but the thing, they have a lot of money that they're sitting on, usually, older people. They also don't trust the government. They've been around a long time and so I think these cryptocurrencies are going to be very attractive to a lot of tech un-savvy people. What do you think about that?

Anthony: I think you have a point. I think that probably more so than young people have money to invest, but I think that's, like I said before, I've spent so many hours reading about these kinds of technologies and just really obsessing over it, and I still feel like there's so much I don't know. So.

Todd: Well, I guess we all got to learn.

Anthony: Yeah. Alright.




1:雅思口語考試分為三個部分,具體下面幫大家分析一下。 2:第一個雅思口試部分考生隨便談,兩分鐘左右就可以。這部分主要是回答問題部分,老師說什么,你只需要回答什么就可以了??忌綍r單詞詞匯積累問題,建議考生可以多積累一些詞匯量,在考試的時候可以脫口而答。 3:第二個雅思口試部分一份30秒到2分鐘的時間,考生需要通過給出的考試題材做一個一分鐘或者一分半鐘的重點陳述。用比較精簡干練的句子來表達(dá)出自己看到之后的觀點和感受。 4:第三個雅思口試部分20到40秒,這個時間比較短暫,所以建議考生用三到四句比較精簡一點的話來對一個話題兩個考生分別陳述。這個時候主要是考察團(tuán)隊搭檔協(xié)作,一定需要將問題完全進(jìn)行下去。


你這是想要問什么問題呢?是初春季節(jié),學(xué)校應(yīng)該組織學(xué)生去哪里郊游之類的升雹么緩判? 不知所問,所以吵哪帆無法猜測、回答。。。

人教版5年級上冊第五單元part b課文點讀

  我喜歡看人痛哭失聲,喜歡聽人狂聲怒吼,喜歡人酒后失態(tài)吐出一些埋在心底發(fā)酵的往事,喜歡看一個單相思的人于心愛者的新婚之夜在雨中持傘默立。我喜歡素日沉靜安然的人喋喋不休地訴說苦難,一向喜悅滿足的人忽然會沮喪和失落,蒼老的人憶起發(fā)黃的青春,孤傲的人懺悔錯過的愛情。我喜歡明星失寵后凄然一笑,英雄暮年時忍痛回首,官場失意者獨品清茶,紅顏逝去的佳麗對鏡哀思。我喜歡人們在最薄弱最不設(shè)防的時候挖出自己最痛最疼的那一部分東西,然后顫抖,然后哭泣,然后讓心靈流出血來。   每當(dāng)這時候,哪怕我對眼前的人一無所知,我也一定會相信:這個人擁有一個曾經(jīng)非常美好現(xiàn)在依然美好的靈魂,他經(jīng)歷的辛酸和苦難,以及那些難以觸懷的心事和情緒,是他生命中最深的印記和最珍愛的儲藏。只有等他破碎的時候,

鬼怪OST part.5有哪些歌曲

一、鬼怪 OST Part.1 發(fā)行時間:2016.12.03 發(fā)行公司:CJ E&M MUSIC 曲目列表: 01、Stay With Me -?樸燦烈(EXO)&?Punch 02、Stay With Me (Inst.) 二、鬼怪 OST Part.2 發(fā)行時間:2016.12.10 發(fā)行公枝鬧司:CJ E&M MUSIC 曲目列表: 01、只在我眼中(??衡搭沖?? ??) -?10cm 02、只在我眼中 (Inst.) 三、鬼怪 OST Part.3 發(fā)行時間:2016.12.11 發(fā)行公司:CJ E&M MUSIC 曲目列表: 01、Hush -Lasse Lindh 02、Hush (Inst.) 四、鬼怪 OST Part.4 發(fā)行時間:2016.12.17 發(fā)行公司:CJ E&M MUSIC 曲目列表: 01、Beautiful -?Crush 02、Beautiful(Inst.) 五、鬼怪 OST Part.5 發(fā)行時間:2016.12.24 發(fā)行公司:CJ E&M MUSIC 曲目列表: 01、因為漂亮(?????) -?Eddy Kim 02、因咐殲為漂亮(Inst.)

雅思口語Part 3的技巧

以下是幾個雅思口語Part3的技巧: 1.不要想得太多:雅思口語Part3是考生需要在兩分鐘內(nèi)就一個主題展開深入的討論??荚嚂r不要想得太多,要盡量流暢地表達(dá)思想,回答考官的問題。 2.多使用連接詞:口語表達(dá)自由,但必須有邏輯性。多使用與討論主題相關(guān)的連接詞,如because、however、although等等,可以讓你的答案更具連貫性和順暢性。 3.細(xì)節(jié)是關(guān)鍵:在回答問題時,要通過幾個具體的例子或細(xì)節(jié)來支持你的論點。這將使你的思維更清晰,并能夠為考官留下深刻的印象。 4.不要跑題:在回答問題時,要確保自己始終與主題保持一致。不要跑題或偏離主題。使用前面提到的解題思路和分類討論技巧可以在未有思路的情況下有效地回答問題。 5.跟考官保持互動:如果你跟考官還在溝通,那么就要盡可能多地跟考官互動??梢栽诨卮饐栴}時適當(dāng)?shù)丶尤敕磫柣蛱釂枺曰拥姆绞絼?chuàng)造一種友好的氛圍。 6.使用流暢的語言:雅思口語Part3需要在兩分鐘內(nèi)完結(jié),所以答案要盡可能簡潔明了。在回答問題時,可以用流暢且準(zhǔn)確表達(dá)的詞語和句子,不要過度依賴徒勞和沒有意義的形容詞。

join in與join與take part in的區(qū)別

take part in 和join in在一般用法中都表示參加某種活動,派對等(請記住take part in 沒有被動語態(tài));join則表示參加某政黨,組織,團(tuán)體等。

Part.0 西弗勒斯?斯內(nèi)普

【在結(jié)束時開始。】   斯內(nèi)普教授安詳?shù)靥稍诎咨罄硎變?nèi),在周圍站著的是霍格沃茨戰(zhàn)爭后的全體幸存學(xué)生。他們穿著或是破損或粘了血跡的校服黑袍子,一言不發(fā)。夜晚的霍格沃茨燈火通明,這些光亮卻沉寂得讓人寒心。斷壁殘垣中的戰(zhàn)火聲終于消失,混血王子的故事終于被澄清,而那些已逝之人的眼睛終于也沒再睜開,終于也沒再看看這結(jié)局。天上掛著的月亮不再圓滿,漆黑的夜空中天狼星不再閃耀,禁林里人來來往往沙沙似老鼠的聲音也不再響起。哈利?波特艱難地抬起手中沉重的魔杖,召喚出守護(hù)神牡鹿——然而牡鹿的銀白色也逐漸暗淡,最終消逝在無邊的黑夜中。太多人的故事匆匆畫上句號,太多人的故事無果而終。   斯內(nèi)普教授的葬禮被安排在一個夏日的夜晚,這場葬禮全部都是按照鄧布利多葬禮的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)備的。人們都說斯內(nèi)普教授忍辱負(fù)重,理應(yīng)得到后世的稱贊,理應(yīng)被人銘記。偉大又孤獨的校長終將永眠于霍格沃茨,再也不離開這片土地。   夜風(fēng)寒冷,霍格沃茨燈火熄滅,禁林的黑暗漫延到眼前。在黯淡的月光下,勉強(qiáng)能看清斯內(nèi)普教授的黑發(fā)和鷹鉤鼻。他的表情依舊有些嚴(yán)厲,眼睛閉合,仿佛是在安睡。夜風(fēng)寒冷潮濕,輕輕拂動他的黑發(fā),遠(yuǎn)方廣闊的黑湖傳來陣陣水聲,人魚卻從未出現(xiàn)。斯拉格霍恩教授接過了霍奇夫人遞去的牛皮紙,清了清嗓子。   斯內(nèi)普教授漫長的一生用最精煉的詞語復(fù)述,說是真相,卻還有所隱瞞。悼詞的大部分都用了后來一知半解的局外人的評價,聽起來那么不切實際,卻又遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不及偉大教授所做出的貢獻(xiàn)。哈利?波特和赫敏?格蘭杰的悼詞留在了最末,作為斯內(nèi)普教授這輩子的最后總結(jié)。當(dāng)斯拉格霍恩教授念到那句“看著我”的時候,哈利?波特那碧綠的眸子又下意識睜開了,似乎顯出些淚光,卻不知道是為斯內(nèi)普教授感到惋惜,或是想起了綠眸原本的主人,還是為這場戰(zhàn)爭所犧牲了一切的人們。   冗長的悼詞終于結(jié)束了。赫敏?格蘭杰是第一個走上前去的,咬著嘴唇,像圣誕節(jié)在戈德里克山谷時一樣變出了花環(huán),放到石棺前的棺蓋上,又默默退回了自己的位置。高年級的學(xué)生們紛紛效仿,花環(huán)把白色大理石淹沒。低年級的孩子們則排在石棺前為斯內(nèi)普教授深深地鞠躬。人群中突然傳來一陣低低的孩童的哭聲,也不知道是在為誰哭泣。   站在后排的教授們走上前,麥格教授把斯內(nèi)普教授用過一生的魔杖放入了他冰涼的手中。沉重的棺蓋被魯伯?海格蓋在了石棺上,教授們一齊揮動魔杖,石棺緩慢地飄了起來,平穩(wěn)地滑行著——偉大的斯內(nèi)普教授即將長眠于地下。   斯萊特林所在的位置突然響起了一陣歌聲。他們用《葬禮進(jìn)行曲》徐緩的節(jié)奏低沉地唱著校歌,送走這位曾經(jīng)斯萊特林的院長。歌聲悠長哀傷,走在教師席最后的魯伯?海格不禁用袖子抹去了眼淚,努力忍著沒有發(fā)出抽噎聲。歌聲漸漸加大,陸續(xù)其它三個學(xué)院學(xué)生的聲音加入。教授們肅穆地佇立著,默不作聲。歌聲嘹亮,整個霍格沃茨都回響著孩子們的歌聲。沒有人揮動著魔杖指揮這歌聲,也沒有人給出掌聲。此時此刻只有喬治?韋斯萊一個人在角落掩面哭泣。   沒有人拔出魔杖點亮光芒,因為在這里,光明是會褻瀆黑暗的。   歌聲漸漸消失了。教授們送走了斯內(nèi)普教授,他們的身影逐漸消失在了禁林深處?;舾裎执某潜ぶ袦嘏臒艄庠俅伪稽c亮,人群開始紛紛散去,幸存者依然聚集在一起,像前幾日那般訴說著故事,懷念自己永遠(yuǎn)離開的親人朋友。禁林中,斯拉格霍恩教授和魯伯?海格一起唱起了《英雄奧多》,仿佛在天邊響起?;舾裎执牡倪@片土地又恢復(fù)了寂寞,打人柳旋轉(zhuǎn)著它的枝干,發(fā)出些意味不明的風(fēng)聲??峙滤刈o(hù)著的霍格莫德尖叫棚屋的入口再也不會有人記得。   西弗勒斯?斯內(nèi)普,請在另一個世界安好,再也不必孤苦無依。

join in與join take part in之間的區(qū)別和用法

①?join?in多指參加小規(guī)模的活動如“比賽、游戲”等,常用于日??谡Z。 ②take?part?in指參加會議或群眾性活動等,說明句子主語不僅參加了該項活動并在活動中發(fā)揮作用。 ③take?part?in是慣用詞組,part前一般不用冠詞,但part前有形容詞修飾時,要用不定冠詞。 擴(kuò)展資料 join in與 take part in例句區(qū)別: 1、join in: ①Come?on,?and?join?in?the?game.? 快,來參加賽. 2、?take part in: ①We”11?take?part?in?social?practice?during?the?summervacation. 暑假期間我們將參加社會實踐.

