兒歌名就叫《切切切》 切切切切 切切切切 切西瓜 切切切切 切切切切 切蘋果 切切西瓜 切切蘋果 切切切切 切切切切 真有趣 巧虎里面的一首動畫兒歌
等待的路是一條艱辛而又慢長曲折的路,雖然無約,但也是一種希望和寄托。 等待是什么呢?是最熱切的盼望、是最真誠的心愿。就像一個人無論你走過怎樣不同的路、你總要在成熟的時候給這個世界一個交代。我認為、如果值得你去等待的人當然應該去等,真愛無悔,如果不值得你去等待的人,沒有必要去付出你的代價,何苦為難自己呢? 等待有結果還算是幸事、就怕有的等待遙遙無期、也許你等待了一輩子都沒有結果,不過、也不要難過、一份未知的憧憬這也是一種快樂。等待有時是幸福和快樂的,有時也會有些甜蜜的感覺,但是、等待有時卻是痛苦和煎熬的、也會讓人遺憾,一個人為了等待一個人、也許會有結果、也許會瘋狂、也許會失去一切甚至會付出一生的代價和生命。 有些失去是注定的,有些緣分是永遠不會有結果的,人生的命運都是天注定的,違抗不得,強求不來,相遇都是緣分,還是隨緣吧。 這樣最低起碼不會讓自己受傷。
切蘿卜 切蘿卜 切切切 包餃子 包餃子 捏捏捏 好孩子 好孩子 頂呱呱 壞孩子 壞孩子 打嘴巴
Outside - Calvin Harris Look at what you've done Stand still, falling away from me When it takes so long, Fire's out, what do you want to be? I'm holdidng on, Myself was never enough for me Gotta be so strong There's a power in what you do, Now, every other day I'll be watching you Oh-oh, Oh-oh, Show you what it feels like, Now I'm on the outside Oh-oh, We did everything right, now I'm on the outside Oh-oh, Show you what it feels like, Now I'm on the outside Oh-oh, We did everything right, now I'm on the outside Though you give me no reason For me to stay close to you, Tell me what lovers do How are we still breathing? It's never for us to choose, I'll be the strength in you. I'm holdidng on (I'm holdidng on) Myself was never enough for me Gotta be so strong There's a power in what you do, Now, every other day I'll be watching you Oh-oh, Oh-oh, Show you what it feels like, Now I'm on the outside Oh-oh, We did everything right, now I'm on the outside Oh-oh, Show you what it feels like, Now I'm on the outside Oh-oh, We did everything right, now I'm on the outside I'll show you what it feels like, Now I'm on the outside (eeeey) I'll show you what it feels like, Show you what it feels like, Now I'm on the outside Oh-oh, We did everything right, now I'm on the outside
you are everything to me, but everything to me is not only you
- 余生 找一個寵你的人讀書有范1.3萬14:27
- 一切都會過去蒼海一飛鴻16.9萬09:32
- 一切都會過去的海林_聲聲不息717806:43
- 一切都會過去的讀者28.8萬11:31
- 一切都會過去的美好清馨1.9萬09:00
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