第510期: Sushi Ways and Wasabi

2019-06-08 08:00:08晨聽英語02:13 4088


Adrienne: So how do you eat the sushi? What's the best way to eat it?

Hiroshi: I usually use chopsticks but some people, they definitely prefer just using hands.

Adrienne: You can eat with your hands at the restaurant?

Hiroshi: The restaurant if it's more an upscale restaurant, that it has a little art deco that you feel that it is not like old school, but really upscale restaurant. I would recommend to use chopsticks but if it's an old school sushi restaurant and in the downtown area, yeah, it's totally acceptable to use your hands.

Adrienne: Interesting. OK, so I am eating maybe with chopsticks or with my hands. Is there anything I need to put on the sushi or eat with the sushi or do I just eat it straight?

Hiroshi: OK, I think the big question's always, how much wasabi.

Adrienne: Wasabi? What's wasabi?

Hiroshi: Wasabi is a horseradish. It's really hot. The green one you might have seen.

Adrienne: Oh, it looks like putty.

Hiroshi: Correct. And the real sushi restaurant, they actually either ask you or you basically let the sushi chef decide how much they are gonna put on the sushi, and you basically, you just use soy sauce as a dip and eat it, so if you really don't like to have anything spicy you might want to tell the chef that I don't need wasabi in my sushi.

Adrienne: OK, I saw someone once at a sushi restaurant put wasabi in the soy sauce. Is that acceptable?

Hiroshi: That's acceptable but it depends on the restaurant. Some restaurants actually give you wasabi along with your sushi dish and you add the wasabi onto the soy sauce trey. That's totally fine. You can control the hotness, the spiciness. Yeah, that's fine and also you can just go without wasabi and just enjoy the natural flavor of fish.

Adrienne: What happens if you eat too much wasabi?

Hiroshi: Basically, tears come out.

Adrienne: You burn your brain.

Hiroshi: You burn your brain. Yeah.



i want to eat sushi

of course you can


一五一十 [yī wǔ yī shí] 基本釋義 詳細釋義 五、十:計數(shù)單位。五個十個地將專數(shù)目點清。比喻敘述從頭到尾屬,源源本本,沒有遺漏。也形容查點數(shù)目。 出 處 明·施耐庵《水滸全傳》第二十五回:“這婦人聽了這話,也不回言,卻踅過來,一五一十,都對王婆和西門慶說了?!?/p>


一五一十 yī wǔ yī shí [釋義] 五個;十個地計數(shù)。指原原本本;清清楚楚;毫無遺漏。 [語出] 清·曹雪芹《紅樓夢》:“便把手絹子打開;把錢倒出來;交給小紅。小紅就替他一五一十的數(shù)了收起?!?[近義] 原原本本 一清二楚 滴水不漏 有頭有尾 [反義] 含糊不清 一塌糊涂 有頭無尾 有始無終 [用法] 多用來指代從頭至尾的具體情況;使語言簡潔明了。一般作狀語、補語。 [結(jié)構(gòu)] 聯(lián)合式。

Dumb Ways to Die



510表示成語“一五一十”。 “一五一十”比喻敘述從頭到尾,源源本本,沒有遺漏。 一 五 一 十? 一、拼音:yī ?wǔ ?yī ?shí 二、基本釋義? 五、十:計數(shù)單位。五個十個地將數(shù)目點清。比喻敘述從頭到尾,源源本本,沒有遺漏。也形容查點數(shù)目。 三、出 處 《歧路燈》第四回:“便一五一十,把譚孝移品行端方,素來的好處,說個不啻口出。東宿聞之,心折首肯?!? 《醒世姻緣傳》第三四回:“叫他弄到官兒手里,沒等見官,那差人先說你掘了銀錢,掯你一箇夠。官說你得的不止這箇,掏著一五一十的要?!薄? 明·施耐庵《水滸傳》第二五回:“這婦人聽了這話,也不回言,卻踅過來,一五一十,都對王婆和西門慶說了?!? 《兒女英雄傳》第五回:“一五一十,從頭至尾,本本源源,滔滔滾滾的對那女子哭訴了一遍。” 四、相關(guān)成語 近義詞:?原原本本、一清二楚、滴水不漏。 反義詞: 含糊不清、一塌糊涂、有始無終。 五、成語示例 茅盾 《林家鋪子》五:“回到家里, 林先生支開了女兒, 就一五一十對林大娘說了?!?魯迅 《三閑集·新月社批評家的任務(wù)》:“但大老爺要打斗毆犯人的屁股時,皂隸來一五一十的打,難道也算犯罪么?”




一五一十:【基本解釋】:比喻敘述從頭到尾,源源本本,沒有遺漏。也形容查點數(shù)目。 【拼音讀法】:yī wú yī shí 【使用舉例】:他把事情發(fā)生的經(jīng)過~地向大家講了一遍。 【近義詞組】:原原本本、一清二楚、滴水不漏 【反義詞組】:含糊不清、一塌糊涂、有始無終 【使用方法】:聯(lián)合式;作狀語、補語;形容查點數(shù)目 【歇后語】:唱戲的打板子

求一個英語故事,有很多and and and and……

long long ago……1653 a person listen to me I told him a story The story is long long ago…… a person listen to me I told him a story The story is long long ago …… a person listen to me I told him a story The story is


一五一十 yī wǔ yī shí [釋義] 五個;十個地計數(shù)。指原原本本;清清楚楚;毫無遺漏。 [語出] 清·曹雪芹《紅樓夢》:“便把手絹子打開;把錢倒出來;交給小紅。小紅就替他一五一十的數(shù)了收起?!?[近義] 原原本本 一清二楚 滴水不漏 有頭有尾 [反義] 含糊不清 一塌糊涂 有頭無尾 有始無終 [用法] 多用來指代從頭至尾的具體情況;使語言簡潔明了。一般作狀語、補語。 [結(jié)構(gòu)] 聯(lián)合式。 [辨析] 見“如數(shù)家珍”(826頁)。